Well the show at the weekend was OK but nothing really exciting as far as we were concerned. People seemed to be about but the Rugby and Grand Prix may well have made a difference. I feel that we are at the very start of when the cider season begins to take off. Enjoyed it though and thank you to the people who turned up to see us.
Back on the farm we have moved on to dealing with the replacement of the waterpipe feed on a trough on the farm. This particular trough has been a bit of a bugbear as it has not been working for quite some time yet this last winter sprung a fierce leak which was a nightmare.
So the main line was cut and 'new size' pipe was attached with a tap, drain, and new ball valve all set into an inspection chamber. We then filled in the large hole we had to dig to remove the wet soil and to make a sink hole to drain the water. The whole job went fairly well - always takes longer than you expect but a great job to at last complete.
The list of spring jobs is always endless but it is good to cross off a few on the list and feel a little more prepared for the year ahead. Still a good few tasks to go including the 'collect lots of firewood for next winter' job. Any firewood collection that has gone on is to scoop up any wood hanging about on the farm to keep the relentless hunger of the woodburner. In fact I am off to go on exactly that theme now...


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