Managing to carry on doing spring work which is pleasing. Fixed up another trough and got the old JCB up and banging. Disappointing to see that she managed to spring a few hose leaks which cost a fortune to fix. But after the problem was addressed she did well and saved a lot of back breaking work. Did another wood run in the 'beast' which was very successful. Managed to find some brilliant dry and dead wood which burns beautifully. Land Rover is working ok of sorts - still confused with how the damn 4 wheel drive works and seems that every time I get in it I manage to get stuck somewhere... I am aware that the 4 wheel drive push button is not correctly lined up but I always thought that low box is permanent 4 wheel drive plus there is the endless fiddling with the free wheeling hubs on the wheels. I think I have managed to get three wheels spinning but by that time I have dug myself in. Anyway I am sure I will get it sorted. The roof rack is brilliant and lots of stuff can get flung on the top like posts and rails. I even bothered to get the pressure washer on to it to try and get the green nature paint off it which has helped to lose that 'freshly dragged out of a field' look.
At last the sign for the entrance to the farm has been done by one of the local pubs and it looks pretty good. Attached it to the fence and the whole 'glitz up the entrance' project has now been completed.
Today I have been doing my first bit of field work which is another sign of spring. The job was harrowing - no it was actually harrowing. Essentially it is dragging a matrix of metal around the field to pull up the dead grass and to aerate the soil ready for spring.
We have had a bit of clear out of the cider shed - sort of spring cleaning. We are hoping that a few more people will be coming down to the farm shop from easter onwards.
Off to Market Drayton this sunday for a farmers market. Hopefully the weather will be ok.


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