June Blog

June has gone quite quickly. We have however got our new range of ciders on the go at last!
The new ciders have been tried at various shows and have gone very well indeed so we have decided now to bottle these ciders so they will last longer. This enables us to offer these special ciders all the year round. Our new ciders are:

Cider with Damson
Cider with Elderflower
Strong Dry Cider

These new ciders will only be available at the farm shop, the shows we attend and I am hoping to be also offer it on mailorder too.
Our first show with the new ciders was at Ellesmere on the 18th/19th June and we were very pleased with how the ciders went. It is nice to be able to offer a tasting of these ciders at shows so customers know exactly what they taste like. What is pleasing is to be able to offer a larger range to customers.
Ellesmere show was well attended and that is down to the organiser of the show called Lincoln who is a great character. Not so sure about the dressing up like a bunny rabbit but I suppose the theme was Alice in Wonderland. Joking apart the show was very good and we were lucky with the weather too.

June is Elderflower month and we have been busy picking the flowers and making lots of Elderflower syrup. It has been a good crop this year and I do enjoy picking them. I think it is because it so peaceful and also natural the actual harvesting of anything from the countryside. You can see what you have achieved and then make something delicious from them. We will be making a small amount of Elderflower Syrup in small 250ml bottles to sell but obviously with our new cider with elderflower on stream we are making it larger bottles for adding to the cider through the year.

We have almost run out of our popular medium sparkling cider which is not ideal. Planning the bottling is not easy at the best of times however the contract bottler has changed its lead in time from 1 month to 4 months. This I think is probably due to so many more cider producers jumping in on the scene as well as beer producers. Anyway it wont be long now and our stocks will be refreshed and we will be back to normal....

We are also planning at least one more photography course and we also planning a very exciting event in the barn just before Halloween. We will be holding a ticket only event which will feature a very special owl display. I am considering making it a bit scary but it will also be aimed at familys so I will have to tread carefully.... We shall have to see but watch this space for forthcoming news.


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