After sort of hoping that the start of the New Year was going to be nice and gentle it seems as if we are busier than ever!
It is disappointing that the Quest for finding wood has reared its ugly head again and dead standing trees are under threat.
A major wood gathering mission needs to be launched again for now and the future. A winch attached to something has to be the answer as so many trees are just out of reach. I want to keep 'getting stuck' in a vahicle to a minimum because it is tedious....

Forever on the quest of learning new things I attended an online marketing seminar at the new Shrewsbury Food Centre. I already dip my toe into Facebook and Twitter but not really grasping how it could be properly used regarding marketing. I certainly have an interest and I also quite like the fact that this type of marketing and information sharing can all be done for free.
The course run by 4startersuk and sponsored by Shropshire County Council was very good indeed and I thoroughly enjoyed it. So watch this space or more to the point my Facebook and Twitter.
Mmmm planning for the year ahead... Lots of ideas and also help from various angles which is very encouraging. Have to remain focussed but also excited about future developments.
I have a new smart phone which I am hoping will be very handy. A heck of a lot to get my head around but so far so good. I am convinced I have lost a few phone numbers (and weirdly gained some too) on the transfer of the sim card but I am sure it will sort itself out.
Discovery still going well (so far) but unfortunately the other day the rear door hinge broke and there has been quite a bit of faffing about to try and get some affordable ones and I still have to actually replace it. I really miss not being able to use it.
It is great that the days are visibly getting longer. Snowdrops have just started to appear too.
These little indicators of the year progressing mean a great deal to someone in the Countryside as things are beginning to wake up at last. Shame I cannot say that about me.


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