I received some truly horrific news two weeks ago today when I was informed of a death of a very close friend of mine indeed. Maybe not the subject to post here on the Blog but it has to be honest really knocked me, and it has affected a great many people I know. He and his lovely fiance were planning to hold their wedding party on the farm in a couple of months and it was something we were all looking forward to a great deal. Bri I am going to miss you terribly - may you rest in peace....

The food fairs are now in full swing! Bridgnorth food festival was brilliant on the 31st of May. Fantastic atmosphere and plenty of people attending. I think a festival has the upper hand when it is free for visitors to attend.

The summer Much Wenlock festival on the 5th of June was even better. We always enjoy ourselves when doing a show at Much Wenlock and the biannual summer show on the Church Green was brilliant. Held at the same time of a longer Festival of arts at Much Wenlock it had a sprinkling of various performing arts. This made the show more of a festival than a food fayre which, was for us refreshingly different. A superman performer entertained both the adults and children and a random couple on a bike with one dressed as a mosquito making mad fly noises. Some girls dressed as sheep were wandering around bleating and also a couple of real live ducks which kept escaping from their pen. When the show began to get busy around lunchtime it was fun to be aware of some quite random things going on in the background! This included yours truly managing to hog a random 5 minute slot being interviewed on Shropshire Radio! A really good day and a big well done to the organisers!

Market Draytons farmers market was a different event and considering it starts so early and more focused on perhaps a market there is the inevitable standing around for me waiting for the magic time of booze o'clock when people become more interested in both tasting and buying cider. It is also against us that the market finishes at between 1.30 and 2pm meaning a small 'booze' window. It is however a good overall event but not quite a worthwhile market for us to attend.
Off to Dudmaston Hall tomorrow near Bridgnorth (well Peter is) for a small food fair but the next two weekends we have the Ellesmere Food And Drink Fair and also the Shropshire West Mid Show. A busy month ahead for shows!

Down on the farm

We are continuing the work in the buildings to be able to have the Clee Hill Trust evening event on September 25th. Make a note of this date and watch the website as some excellent plans are in the cooking pot. We have run two Autumn events at the farm in association with the Clee Hill Trust. These have worked very well indeed and we are going stronger this year. Not only is there going to be an action packed afternoon fair,(which there is so much planned it is going to be tricky to pull off..) but we are also including a very special evening do with a live band, talks and food. This will be a ticketed event only so first come first served!
More information will be posted soon.

The farm is looking very green now which is such a contrast to the bleak winter which only seems a few weeks ago. Disappointing to be soon coming across the shortest day soon but I reckon we have still a lot to look forward to with a good summer. The grass is growing very well indeed which is just as well as this year I am planning to drag all the ancient haymaking equipment out of the shed and try and get it working... Can be great fun but also can be a nightmare.

The horses are not quite so enthused by the long grass as it has quite simply got away from them. Because Dobbin has had Laminatus in the past PLUS she is quite simply an eating machine she will eat and eat and eat. So we have to limit her and as a result the grass gets a bit stringy in her field as we have to strip graze her. She will however hopefully have some lovely grass after the haymaking has been done on the aftermath.

I am at last almost in a position to be able to offer some still cider available by mail order on the website in a 10 litre bag in a box. This will be launched hopefully next week if all goes well. Whenever the website gets a major bolt on or rehash it involves a very late evening indeed with my good Friend Bob the website Guru. It does also involve the occasional sip of alcohol too while we explore ideas and designs. I love fiddling around on the website to bits but doing it on my own has the potential of going VERY wrong.... There will be the day that everything will just disappear into cyberspace never to return again.


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