Spring has certainly taken hold and the sound of lambs bleating mixed in with birds singing is certainly confirmation.
Last weekend was a tasting at The Granary Shop at Weston Park. The park was open for Easter and we were asked to provide tastings of the cider that we sell there. Lovely weather and there appeared to be a good turnout. A lot easier than doing a show for us and I of course enjoy meeting new people. Three other producers were there and I thank them for allowing me to graze their produce for the entire day for sustinence!
Thanks also to my great buddies in Newport for entertaining me again for the friday night!
We are continuing with spring jobs including the lopping of overhanging tree branches around the fields. We are doing this for two reasons - overhanging branches damages the tractor with any field work we have to do and also to continue with the quest for collecting wood for next year. The small twigs and branches are the pain but our old silage grab helps to remove them. Essentially it is a mechanical grab with prongs on and and can be used as a large meachanical hand. The brash can be buldozed into a pile and then picked up and put onto a trailer to take away for burning. One field boundary has been completed and probaly we have managed to get a ton of decent size logs.
In the last cople of days I have managed to grab some spare time and go for a couple of walks around the Wildlife Site on the farm. An ideal time of the year as the vegetation is minimal. Managed to take some lovely photos, identify some more potential wood to harvest as well as considering a new potential project to do -more on this if anything happens.


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