2017 on the farm

SUMMARY 2017 A reawakening of the Mahorall Farm Cider Blog!! Yes it has been a while but it has returned as a summary of 2017. January 2017 What a way to start off the New Year by capturing this beautiful barn owl sitting on the fence! Farm work was kick started in Mid January with one of the biggest projects on the farm which I have undertaken for a long time. It involved coppicing a 260 metre length of Hazel hedge which was part financed by a Stewardship Scheme. Hazel is an excellent wood to coppice to ensure longevity of the hedge and the project has also provided a vast amount of timber. The Hedgeline to be coppiced The hedge was located on fairly remote corner of the farm and safety was paramount as I was working on my own. The nearest point of the hedge was over 300 metres from any road and if the weather was wet then I could not drive over to the site without making a mess. ...